Subject Information
Home Economics – Scientific and Social is an applied subject combining theory with practice in order to develop understanding and solve problems. It is concerned with the way individuals and families manage their resources to meet physical, emotional, intellectual, social and economic needs.
Home Economics focuses on the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills and attitudes that will enable students to take control of their own lives at present and in the future, whether that be in the home, in further education, in the world of work, or other life situations.
The wide range of learning experiences to which the students are exposed will allow them to be flexible and adaptable in the changing situations of modern life. It prepares students of both sexes for life in a consumer-oriented society and provides a learning foundation for those seeking employment in a wide range of careers, such as the food industry, tourism, clothing and design and the health and social services.
Department Members
Ms Bruen
Ms Hughes
Ms Ward
Junior Cycle Home Economics
The course comprises of three strands: Food, Health & Culinary Skills; Responsible Family Living; Textiles & Crafts. In the Junior Cycle, Home Economics has both practical and written assessments. The students engage in two Classroom Based Assessments (CBA’s), one in Year 2 and one in Year 3. CBA1 focuses on Creative Textiles and will be completed in Year 2. CBA2 focuses on Food Literacy Skills and is completed in Year 3. The final assessment comprises of a practical culinary exam (50%) and a written examination (50%) which takes place at the end of Year 3.
Leaving Certificate Home Economics
The course is divided into three core sections:
Food Studies 45%
Resource Management and Consumer Studies 25%
Social Studies 10%
There are three electives from which one will be chosen: 20%
They are
Elective 1 - Home Design and Management
Elective 2 -Textiles Fashion and Design
Elective 3 -Social Studies

A written exam accounts for 80% of the marks.
There is a practical assessment which accounts for the remaining 20%.
This involves keeping a record of four assignments. The practical assessments are written into a coursework journal and submitted to the Examinations Commission at the beginning of November in Year 6.