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Outstanding Leaving Certificate Results at Our Lady’s

Leaving Certificate students across the country received their results last Friday September 2nd with the students in Our Lady’s Secondary School achieving fantastic results across a wide range of subject areas. Speaking at the school during the week, Principal Mr Eddie Kelly commented on this year’s excellent Leaving Cert results, “as a school we are absolutely delighted with this year’s Leaving Certificate results as all of our students across different levels and abilities achieved outstanding results. Four students achieved over 600 points, 12 students achieved in excess of 550 points, 30 students achieved in excess of 500 points and 57 students achieved over 400 points with the average CAO points in the school 429 points.

In Leaving Certificate Applied 5 students achieved a Distinction and 2 students achieved a Merit grade. To have such wonderful results in our school year after year speaks volumes for the talent and commitment of our students and the hard work and dedication of their teachers. I would like to thank the teachers for their continued commitment to their students and their wonderful efforts in achieving the best possible outcomes for all students every year. We are extremely proud of all our students as they leave our school with excellent Leaving Certificate results and the necessary values & characteristics that will ensure they will be successful as they move into the next phase of their lives. We in Our Lady’s are very proud of all of our students in the Leaving Certificate class of 2022, we thank them for their fabulous contribution to our school over the last six years and wish them well in all their future endeavours”.

Photographs: Students from the Leaving Certificate Class of 2022 pictured with Principal Mr. Kelly and members of school staff on Friday September 2nd after receiving their Leaving Certificate results.


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