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Subject Information 

Accounting is a very popular choice as a Leaving Certificate Business Subject, it is studied for three years and in transition year students get an opportunity to experience a computerised accounting package, this is very beneficial for them in the business world when they leave school.  During the three years they get a very good grounding in all book-keeping principles and  learn to prepare accounts for a number of situations

  • Manufacturing Accounts for a factory situation

  • Departmental Accounts  for a business with more than one dept.

  • Club Accounts for  the treasurer to prepare for a Club situation

  • Farm Accounts

  • Management Accounting for those involved in planning for future production and expansion.


Department Members

  • Mr Connolly 

  • Ms S Brady

In Transition Year, students build upon the fundamental book-keeping skills developed during Junior Cycle, they gain an appreciation of the theory behind Irish and International Accounting regulations and explore some of history’s most controversial financial scandals. They will meet an accountant from the local area and hear first hand about all the career opportunities available to them. They will learn Financial and Management Accounting skills, offering students a well-rounded learning experience. Students will learn how to prepare accounts for publication and about the role finance plays in all aspects of a business. An understanding of cash flow forecasts help students to develop the transferable skills to effectively budget and manage finance in their personal lives.

The exam is 3 hours for both Ordinary and Higher levels and is divided into 3 sections – two sections cover Financial Accounting and one covers Management Accounting.

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