Guidance Counselors: Mr. Geraghty & Ms. McSorely
Guidance at Our Lady’s Secondary School refers to the learning experience provided to assist students to develop self-management skills which will lead to effective choices and decisions about their lives. The key developmental areas of focus are: Personal/Social, Educational, Vocational (Careers).
The School Guidance Programme will:
Be accessible
Be student-centered
Be inclusive
Be balanced
Be responsive
Respect confidentiality
Make full use of resources
Through consultation with relevant teachers and programme coordinators, Guidance will take place on an Individual, Group and Class basis, with 5th & 6th Year Students having a timetabled Careers Class each week.
The Guidance Counselors, Mr. Geraghty and Ms Mc Sorley are available to meet with all students and their Parents/Guardians to discuss the individual needs of the students of OLSS, in relation to their educational, personal and vocational development.
The guidance section of this website offers advice and information in relation to careers and college, personal development, wellbeing, emotional and mental health as well as links to support services in the community and elsewhere.
Should a parent / guardian wish to make an appointment with one of our Guidance Counselors, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Prestigious Trinity Scholarship for Our Lady’s Student
Congratulations to Niamh Mullin who recently was the recipient of an Entrance Scholarship to Trinity College Dublin. These scholarships are awarded to the highest performing student from a school who is attending Trinity College provided they achieve over 500 points. Niamh who is now studying Clinical Speech & Language Studies at Trinity College was presented with her entrance scholarship at a ceremony in Trinity College on March 2nd.
Speaking in the school during the week, Mr Kelly extended his congratulations to Niamh, commenting that ‘it is always a great pleasure to see our students succeed in their academic pursuits and we as a school community are delighted that Niamh received an entrance scholarship to Trinity College Dublin. Niamh was a diligent and committed student who demonstrated a remarkable work ethic and passion for learning. This scholarship provides Niamh with an excellent opportunity to pursue her academic interests and ambitions and we at Our Lady’s are confident Niamh will make the most of this opportunity and excel at Trinity College.’
Fifth Year Information Evening November 27th 2023 Presentation
Second Year Information Evening November 27th 2023 Presentation
Senior Cycle Subject Choice Presentation
Study Skills for 2nd years
Information for Sixth Years
Information for Parents of 1st Years
Internet Safety For Parents